Tạp chí Prihoda


Warehouse, Vukovina, Croatia

This is an installation inside a large warehouse in Vukovina, 20 km from Zagreb. The warehouse stores goods for various supermarkets. We delivered an air distribution system with more than 1.5 km of diffusers used specifically to heat the building. Small industrial textile nozzles with 30 mm diameters are located in 180° and distribute hot air between racks. Prihoda classic non-permeable NMS fabric was used as the ideal option for this application, yellow being the customer’s first choice in colour.

109.290 m3/h
of air passes through our diffusers
1.649 m
of diffusers have been installed
180 Pa
pressure is harbored in our diffusers

Thông số cơ bản
Available airflow: 109.290 m3/h
Diameter: C300 - C630
Length of diffusers: 1.649 m
Material: NMS YE