Příhoda Dagbok


Motol Velodrome, Prague, Czech Republic

Early this year, the velodrome at Prague Motol was refurbished, including the air-conditioning system. Two 50 m long diffusers with a diameter of 900 mm were used to heat the space. Delta-T is up to 20°C so small nozzles were chosen to distribute the air. To facilitate assembly, the diffusers were installed on a single reinforced aluminium profile, which is also a good choice in aesthetic terms. The single profile at the top is not visible from below, whereas a double suspension system would be visually disruptive. We supplied the profiles in four-metre sections due to the same spacing of the ceiling truss beams. In general, this is a suitable means of installing the system in rooms with a light ceiling, where there are limited options for anchoring vertical suspension elements.

28.000 m3/h
of air passes through our diffusers
100 m
of diffusers have been installed
150 Pa
pressure is harbored in our diffusers
Grundläggande parametrar
Total airflow: 28.000 m3/h
Pressure: 150 Pa
Diameter: C900
Length: 100 m
Material: NMS LG