
fabric ducting

FoodTec: Prihoda fabric ducting is the perfect choice for air distribution in the food industry

The first applications of fabric ducting were in the food industry and today they are used in many different types of building. But we still very often see...

Khufu boat transported in a metal cage equipped with Prihoda Fabric Ducting

Pharaohs commissioned solar boats to take them into the afterlife. The Khufu boat, the oldest and largest surviving one,  was transported 7.5 kilometers (5...

Fabric ducting from Czechia is known worldwide, newly also in Medina

A leading Czech economic newspapers published article about Prihoda...

Magazine Cooling India – Top HVAC&R Products of 2019

Prihoda s.r.o. gladly informs about interview of Mr. Ulhas Vatpal, director of Prihoda India Private Limited, in "Cooling India", India's foremost magazine in...

The Czech ducting manufacturer is expanding

The Hlinsko company of Prihoda  has invested into its subsidiaries in China and Mexico a total of 24 million Czech crowns for launching the production of...