

PŘÍHODA s.r.o.
Za Radnicí 476
53901, EU-Česko

T: +420 469 311 856
E: [email protected]

Contact person
Ondrej Zdrazil
Technician for orders
Michal Tlapak
Technician for orders
Jan Slaby
Technician for offers
Michal Dzurina
Production Manager
Michal Bures
Research and Development Manager
Lukas Halamka
Export Manager
Zdenek Prihoda
Blanka Prihodova
Quality Manager
Monika Dvorackova
Orders Manager
Lukas Kadrmas
Technical Sales
Jana Buresova
Accountant Manager
Radek Tuska
Technician Manager
Martin Kozel
Production for vehicles manager

Company PRIHODA s.r.o. is registered in the registry of the Regional Court in Hradec Kralove, file number C6653
ID data box: jwbvk5f
Identification number PRIHODA s.r.o: 62024205
Bank accounts:
Bank name: Česká spořitelna a.s.
Bank address: Olbrachtova 1929/62, 140 00 Praha 4. Czech Republic
EUR: 7933532/0800, IBAN:CZ88 0800 0000 0000 0793 3532, SWIFT: GIBACZPX
USD: 7933612/0800, IBAN: CZ62 0800 0000 0000 0793 3612, SWIFT: GIBACZPX
CZK: 7933452/0800, IBAN: CZ17 0800 0000 0000 0793 3452 (CZK)

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