Prihoda Journal

fabric ducting

Decathlon, Shah Alam, Malaysia

Decathlon Shah Alam has two floors, 10,000 sqm of sales area, 230,000 exclusive products for 60 different sports and 656 m of Prihoda diffusers. It is the...

SIA Restaurant, Czechia

This Asian restaurant in the center of Prague is quickly gaining popularity. Apart from excellent food, it also receives many compliments related to its...
Meeting with distributors 

2018 meeting of representatives, Prague, Czechia

More than 70 people from 37 countries attended the global meeting of representatives in Prague. During the two-day meeting, we saw many high-quality...
Wrote about us 

The Czech ducting manufacturer is expanding

The Hlinsko company of Prihoda  has invested into its subsidiaries in China and Mexico a total of 24 million Czech crowns for launching the production of...
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